Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of First Grade

Today was Megan's first day of 1st grade. On Saturday we went to the school to meet her teacher Mrs. Prisbrey. She got to see her class room and put her name on a little red paper car showing that she gets picked up in a car after school. Wayne and I really like Mrs. Prisbrey so far. She seems like she will be a really fun teacher for Megan. Today however was the big day. Megan woke up at 7 a.m. this morning by herself. It's pretty ironic that she did cause she has been asking for her own alarm clock. Wayne and I told her that we would wake her up in plenty of time and in the end she didn't even need us. She picked out a cute pair of jeans and her white shirt with aqua hearts on it. We did her hair in her favorite style. She calls it her "rock n' roll " hair. At 8:30 we headed down to the school. I showed her where to take her lunch money and then walked her to her class to make sure she new what room was hers. She was very patient with me and let me take pictures of her first day. I gave her a hug and told her good-bye. I thought that it would be sooo easy to just let her go all day, but I found myself looking at the clock alot and trying to find things to do to keep my mind off of not having her around. It was alot harder for me having her gone all day. I was relived when 3:15 came around and I was able to go down to the school and wait for her to walk out of her classroom. It was nice to hear that I was not the only mother having trouble letting her 1st grader go today. Kelly was also feeling the same way about Hayden. When Megan's class room door opened it took all my strength not to run up to her and hold and hug her and tell her she is never leaving me for that long again (that would have really embarrassed her). I walked to her class, casually called her name and asked her how her day was. She said that it was good and she then let me take more pictures of her and as we got into the car shetold me all about her day. Her favorite part of the day was eating lunch in the cafeteria (like daughter like mother). She is growing up so fast. I am usually the kind of mom that can't wait until my kids are older, but having Megan gone all day was really hard. I now want her to stay little forever. She is my sweet Mae Mae, my little helper, my best friend. I want her to know I am so proud of her and love her very much!


Rachelle said...

It was hard not taking my kids to school today. We have to wait until next Thursday. I feel the same way about Becca. What will I do without my problem solver, helper, self-esteem booster. It will be like losing my right arm. I totally feel your pain.

Kelly said...

I love Megan, she is a cutie!

Camille said...

I always wonder if it will e hard for me to have my kids go to school a full day. Sounds like it is. She sure is a cutie!

Kim said...

I am nervous just to have Myllie gone for half a day. I don't even want to think about next year....Megan looked adorable (as usual) You will have to take a picture of the back side of her hair so we can see.... :-) Glad to hear she had a great first day!

Trinity said...

That's so sweet. Your first is definetley the hardest, because they are your best friend. (not that the rest aren't)(you know what I mean)

It's a very tender post.

Jeramy & Janara said...

It will be different with Ty. You'll think "Yes, finally!!!" Its a boy thing. I think I will really miss Ashlyn when she starts school.