Saturday, June 21, 2008

Manti Pageant

We took the kids to the Manti pageant last night. We ended up going with the youth of our ward b/c it was there youth conference and Wayne was a chaperon. We got there around 6:00-6:30pm (I think) and the girls were really excited when they saw the temple on the hill side. Since it doesn't start till dark we ended up going to Bro. Jenkins parents house to eat and unload our bags. I was again going against my better judgement and told Wayne I would sleep out in the tent again. It ended up that not many of the youth came so Wayne and I got to stay in one of the rooms instead (woot woot!).

When it was time for the pageant to begin we found our seats and got all cuddled up and comfortable. Ty ended up being the first to pass out and Kaitlyn soon followed. I am happy to say that Megan watched most of it and understood the story that was being told.

In all it was a wonderful weekend... And I can't wait to do it again next year.


Kelly said...

Yeah! I am so excited you have a blog! It is sooo cute. The picture of the Manti temple is beautiful!

Frisbys in Germany said...

I miss the Manti pageant so much!