Friday, March 27, 2009

Mustang Megan

Yesterday when Megan came home from school she walked into the office with a huge smile on her face. I thought it was due to the fact that she went on a field trip, but that was only part of it. She held up a little stuffed horse and a ribbon that read Fiddlers Canyon Elementary Model Mustang. She got it for doing well in school. Wayne and I are so proud of her and her love of learning.


Kim said...

How cute. That sounds like a fun thing your school does. Way to go Megan!!

Stacy said...

Right on Meagan!!!!!! You are so Cool!!

Trinity said...

Those horses are the best. Nothing special but wow do they make the kids feel on top of the world when they get them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I had no idea. Poor thing, I hope it all gets figured out and she doesn't have to go through that again. She's such a sweet little girl.