Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ty turns Two

This past Friday was Tyson's second birthday. I can't believe that he is already two! He has grown so much this past year and I don't just mean physically. He has been talking in sentences and can keep up with his sisters. He is all boy with a little soft side. He has already started picking on his sisters and enjoys wrestling with his dad. He loves to give hugs and instead of hitting or pinching when he gets mad he hugs you to death. I love when I come home and he is running down the hall yelling "mommy".

Some of my favorite things about Ty are:
1. his hugs and kisses
2. his smile
3. his laugh
4. when he talks in his deep voice
5. when he squints when he is getting his picture taken
6. His love for football,vroom vrooms,horses
7. He loves to cuddle
8. he says funny things
9. he gets along with every kid he has met
10. he has no fear

Some of my favorite most recent memories of Ty:

The other day he was walking is some of my boots and one came off which caused him to trip and fall. He got up looked down at the boot and said "crap". I looked at him and asked him if he had just said crap and he said "yes mommy, crap"

The very same day I told Ty that his daddy was coming home and he was going to give him tickles and Ty looked at me with a very serious face and said "Oh great"

On another day we had just dropped of Kaitlyn and the others off at preschool and on the way home we stopped at a stop light and Ty said "mom dance" , so I danced and then I told him to dance and we danced back and forth until the car behind me honked because the light had turned green and we were still dancing.
I love just sitting back and watching Ty interact with others. I love especially watching him interact with Wayne. I am soo glad the the Lord has blessed us with a little rough and tumble boy. He has been just the opposite of the girls. He talks back, he runs from me, he screams in the store, he gets into everything he's not suppose to. In those moments he really ticks me off, but he makes my life interesting and keeps me on my toes.

I love my little man! Happy Birthday Ty!


Kelly said...

What a little stud! Happy Birthday Ty!

Kim said...

He is so adorable!! I can't wait for our little guys to spend more time together. Happy Birthday Ty!!

The Nixons said...

oh my gosh! What a cutie!!! I can't beleive he's already 2 yrs old... Next time you guys come up this way please give us a call and we'll have you over for dinner, our kids will have a blast and we can catch up!

Rachelle said...

Yea for little boys. Somehow no matter how crazy they may make us they can always melt our hearts. Someday I am going to have to show you the car dance.

Frisbys in Germany said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Love aunt stevie and uncle jason and Bryton-
ps there is a package in the mail for you!

Camille said...

I love that cute little boy! Happy Birthday! Terrible two's or terrific two's?? Probably terrific!

crazy burnett6 said...

OH MY GOSH!!! that last picture is the cutest picture I have seen... well other than my kids of course seriously he is SUCH a cute boy!! love ya tar!