Monday, July 13, 2009

Independence Day

I am a bit behind on updating my blog, but hey better late then never.

So on the 4th as always we took the kids to the parade. It was good and really really long ( we actually didn't make it to the end). It was really fun seeing the kids get excited when they started hearing the fire truck sirens. It was also fun to see our friends in the parade. The kids love to catch the candy that is thrown out (which is something we need to work on, they are way to timid and usually end up with only a few pieces).

After the parade we went up to Wayne's Aunt Marsha and Uncle Tommy's house to celebrate Wayne's 36th birthday (a day early). The kids, my mom and I gave him some new riding pants and a funny card. I bought him a super yummy birthday cake from Maggie Moo's and Aunt Marsha bbq'd hamburgers and we had corn on the cob, chips and dip. Wayne was able to watch two dirt bike races (which is hard to do at our house, cause we have no tv). The kids always have so much fun at Aunt Marsha's, they get to swim in the hot tub, ride 4-wheelers, jump on the trampoline and play in the sand box.
Uncle Tommy taught Megan how to ride a small 4 wheeler all by herself. She rode around in circles for hours. She was so excited to give her mom and dad rides around the house. I know she was on top of the world that day. I think she felt all grown up. By the end of the day we even let her give Kaitlyn and Ty a ride.

We had full intentions on going up to Brian Head to watch the fireworks, but as the day went on we decided to just go to the airport. When we finally left Aunt Marsha's Ty and Kaitlyn were fast asleep. We ended up just going home and promised Megan (who was still holding out hope) that we would go see some awesome fire works for the 24th.

We had a wonderful fourth with family and can't wait until the 24th so we can finally see some fireworks.


crazy burnett6 said...

so you gave up and just bought the cake huh!?! it looks so yummy I probably would have bought it too if I had a place that made them that good

Kim said...

Looks like you guys had a nice relaxing day, with your family. We miss you guys and hope to see you soon!

Trinity said...

How cute is Megan on that 4-wheeler! And I love Kaitlyn's sun glasses. They suit her well.

Tell Wayne Happy B-lated Birthday.