Monday, May 4, 2009

AMA Super Cross Finals Part 1

So this past weekend Wayne and I went down to Las Vegas with his sister and brother in-law to see the AMA Super Cross Finals. Wayne and I bought our tickets back in December, so needless to say we were very excited. As most of you know Wayne loves everything about dirt bikes. He loves to ride them, race them ,and watch them. We have been watching Super Cross for 5 years and know all the top riders.
When we got down to Vegas Audra (Wayne's sister) and I went shopping at Towne Square. We hit a couple of stores, H&M and Victoria's Secret before it was time for dinner. I found some dang cute shirts and accessories, but was unable to buy them because H&M's credit machine was down. I was totally bummed, but figured it was a good excuse to go again. We had dinner at Brio an Italian restaurant. It was amazing! After dinner we headed back to the condo we were staying at and decided to try our luck with the penny and nickle slots. Linn (brother-in-law) was the big winner with a $40.00 jack pot. Wayne won $8.00 which I then lost. I was fun. We then headed for a good night of watching tv in bed until sleep over came us.

The next day we ended up waking up at 6:30 Utah time ( go figure right) and watched some tv for an hour before we decided to get dressed. We went and had breakfast and headed over to Sam Boyd Stadium for the meet and greet with the riders. When we got there, there was a line that was wrapped half way around the stadium. We waited in line for the doors to open. As soon and we got in we walked out in to the stadium and watched some of the riders doing their qualifying times. After a few minutes of that we headed out to the pits where we could go and meet the riders. We weren't sure exactly how it worked so we decided to pick the one person we wanted to meet the most and go with that. We decided that James Stewart was the man and we got in line. The sign said that the autographs would start at 2:00 and it was about 1:00. Audra and I decided we would stay in line and Wayne and Linn should go and find where the other riders trailers were. While standing in line we learned that first 100 people would get to meet James Stewart. Then the man him self walked out of his personal trailer and into the Yamaha trailer only to come back out a few moments later in his riding gear. It was surreal... I have been watching this guy on tv for 5 years and now he was 5-10 feet away from me. I was so bummed that Wayne wasn't there to see him kick start his bike and ride off to go and do his qualifying times. After that Wayne and Linn stayed in line with us. At 2:30 we finally got to meet him. He was really nice. Both Wayne and I got and autographed poster and a picture taken next to him.
Our plan after we met James Stewart was to go met Kevin Windham, because he will probably be the next to retire. He is also one of our favorite riders. We headed down to where he was signing autographs and I was able to get a few picture of him and the lights class rider Trey Canard (also a favorite). Wayne and I signed up and got in line when a man stopped us and said they weren't letting any more people in. We were so close!! We decided that Kevin will be our first pick next year.
We then headed over to Chad Reeds trailer, but it was slammed full of people and we didn't want to wait. So as we headed over to the Monster trailer where Ryan Villipoto was we ran in to Erin one of the SPEED tv announcers and she was sweet enough to take a picture with Wayne.
We finally made it to the Monster trailer and got to meet Nick Wey. Ryan Villipoto wasn't signing any more, but we were still in awe with the other guys we met. They were all very nice especially Bobby Kiniry who talked with Wayne and I.

Wayne and I took all our signed posters to the van and on the way saw Cowboy Kenny Bartram. He is a free style rider (they do all the cool tricks) riding past us. We hurried over to see if we could met him, but he was doing a show so all was able to do was take pictures.

Soon after that we finally made it out to the parking lot and put our posters away and found Audra and Linn. We all found our seats got a couple sodas and food and waited for the show to start. I will do another post all about the race tomorrow.


crazy burnett6 said...

That sounds like an awesome trip! I will be in vegas this weekend. you could come meet me......;) ;) I am so sure stopping at you house in june Prob. around the 5th, cant wait to see you!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you guys could get away and have so much fun!

Lori said...

Seth is going to be so jealous!

Kim said...

Sounds like you guys had alot of fun!! Hope to see you guys soon!

Trinity said...

That last picture looks just a little bit scary for me.

Camille said...

Fun trip!! It is so nice to get away and do something you enjoy! Good for you guys!